Headache, migraines and facial pain services at South Lakewood Dental in Lakewood, CO

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At South Lakewood Dental in Colorado, Dr. Scott Stewart and his team of professionals believe that dental work doesn’t just stop at the teeth and gums. Several issues may also be linked to oral health, including problems such as chronic migraines, headaches and facial pain.


Many of these issues can be addressed using a process called T-Scan. Instead of using proprietary mouth guards to keep the upper teeth from touching the lower teeth (while also addressing TMD pain), this was only the best resolution if patients complied with treatment. Instead, with the T-Scan System, Dr. Scott Stewart can detect the tooth contacts that specifically cause the symptoms of TMD. These tooth contacts are the primary problem, as they create an issue with the jaw muscles and nervous system to create pain and discomfort while patients swallow or chew. By integrating in the T-Scan system in diagnosis, the dentist can now pinpoint the area of concern and provide computer-guided corrections which allow the muscles to then relax and heal. Many patients who use the T-Scan System will notice great improvement and elimination of TMJ/TMD pain and symptoms within a week after the initial treatment has started.


Another way to address these concerns is with the use of Trudenta/DTR. Trudenta/DTR is a proprietary treatment option that can be used when there are issues related to unbalanced dental forces. This may include chronic headaches, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), dizziness, vertigo and TMJ disorder. When these problems arise, Dr. Scott Stewart and his team will begin an extensive evaluation to determine ways to address them.

The assessment process for Trudenta/DTR starts with bite force analysis. This will determine the imbalances in the mouth. A range of motion analysis is done to check for muscle tension and inflammation. A headache history form and a head health questionnaire may be provided to ask the patient about their experiences with headaches and migraines and other concerns they may have. Finally, our team will perform a muscle examination during which they check for muscle tightness around the jaw area.

Dr. Scott Stewart is proud to introduce the Trudenta/DTR treatment solutions to patients who are proper candidates. There are no medications and no injections, and patients can get their quality of life back and start living pain-free! For most of our patients, treatments include in-office services that are personalized to their specific needs, and they may include ultrasound therapy, muscle manipulation, cold laser therapy and micro-current treatment.

Between treatments, patients are encouraged to follow at-home care, which may include wearing special mouth guards like orthotics, specific exercises, and at-home micro current therapy, as well as proven healing supplements to alleviate pain and the tension that may be contributing to their condition.

Migraine Headache Relief in lakewood south

If you live in or around the areas of Lakewood, Wheat Ridge, or Denver, now is the perfect time to contact Dr. Scott Stewart and his team about problems such as headache, migraines and facial pain, which may be linked to oral health.

Call us on (855) 233-0023 or

Bio JVA™

Bio JVA, or Joint Vibrational Analysis is a quick, non-invasive method for evaluating how the Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is functioning. In less than 5 minutes, we can perform a test that analyzes the stability and function of the TMJ.

Very similar to the way dentists evaluate the wear on teeth, Bio JVA gives the dentist insight into the health of the jaw joint. The Bio JVA technology is based on the simple principle of motion and friction.  If smooth surfaces of the joint become rough, friction and vibration are created as the surfaces function.

The BioJVA records and displays these “noises” as very specific but simple to interpret data through its BIOPAK™ software. Jaw Joint vibrations have been researched extensively with thousands of documented cases of various dysfunction as well as healthy and normal data.

Joint function is just another item we find critical in a successful dental treatment outcome as well as in overall health function.

His practice can be reached with a phone call to (855) 233-0023 and his practice is conveniently located at 2525 S. Wadsworth Boulevard, Suite 11 in Lakewood, Colorado.

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Dr. Scott Stewart - South Lakewood Dental

Dr. Scott Stewart is a practitioner of dentistry for over 25 years and has acquired much expertise over the years. Along with his talent, Dr. Stewart appreciates the multitude of contributions made to the field of dentistry via novel and progressive technology.

Whilst being passionate about his service to the community, Dr. Stewart is a revolutionary in his approach to tackling dental health care issues. He is a firm believer in the harmonious balance of the body as opposed to treating symptoms. He emphasizes on the holistic practice of wellbeing and addressing underlying issues to make the “whole person” healthier.