At South Lakewood Dental of Lakewood, Colorado, our team of professionals knows how important it is to replace missing or extracted teeth as soon as possible to maintain a beautiful, healthy, and functioning smile. Patients who have used full dentures in the past may find them to be bothersome. They may come loose at inopportune moments or shift and cause irritation to the gums. This can cause discomfort and inconvenience for patients as they allow the area to heal without wearing dentures. Fortunately, there’s another way to wear full dentures that ensures proper function and maintenance. Dr. Scott Stewart will often recommend to patients the benefits of implant-supported dentures available at his clinic.
Also called an implant-retained denture, implant-supported dentures are full dentures that are made more conservatively, utilizing four or six dental implants along the gum line to hold them in place. The dentures are made to snap in with the abutment of the dental implants for optimum fit and function. Implant-supported dentures do not require adhesives or other tricks to keep them in place and instead utilize a strong foundation from the fused implant for stability and strength.
Many patients who visit our team at South Lakewood Dental are curious if implant-supported dentures are appropriate for them and want to know the benefits of using them for their smiles. Below are just a few of the advantages that make implant-supported dentures a highly desirable solution for most:
Deciding on a tooth replacement option takes time, and we want our patients to make educated decisions regarding the dental work they need to restore function and appearance to their smiles. We find that the best candidates for implant-retained dentures are those with a healthy jawbone that can support the implants successfully and reduce the risk of failure. We can determine this by taking a series of X-rays to evaluate the health of the jawbone and smile before recommending dental implants and dentures.
If you are looking for a denture clinic “near me” in Lakewood, Colorado, that offers implant-retained dentures, consider calling South Lakewood Dental to request a consultation appointment and learn more!
Our office is located at 2525 South Wadsworth Boulevard, Suite 11, and can be reached by telephone at (855) 233-0023.