When thinking about a trip to the dentist, many people simply think about the condition or appearance of their teeth or smiles. A healthy mouth and smile, however, is dependent upon the proper care of the teeth, gums and bones. Strong bones and gums are necessary to support and stabilize the teeth. Periodontal disease weakens […]
Every dentist works hard with Lakewood, CO area patients on reducing the risk and development of conditions such as tooth decay and gum disease. Gum disease is a serious condition that can wreak havoc on an otherwise beautiful, healthy smile and must be diagnosed and treated promptly for the best success. Gum disease, often referred […]
Dentists stress the importance of taking good care of the smile. There are several reasons for this, including the ability to maintain aesthetics, avoid tooth decay, and reduce the risk of developing gum disease. Lakewood area dentist, Dr. Scott Stewart of South Lakewood Dental, describes gum disease as an infection in the mouth. It […]