There was a point in time when most everyone thought a dentist was simply a dentist. Their job was to pull teeth, occasionally place a filling, and perhaps they would place a set of dentures. Dentistry has since evolved. Over time, we’ve learned that there is a direct correlation between oral health and overall wellbeing. Dentists have begun to specialize over time and many have developed distinctive philosophies that govern the way they practice dentistry.
Specialized dental care is very advantageous for patients but it can also seem confusing and maybe even overwhelming. The first thing patients need to consider is the difference between recognized specialties and other designations. Recognized specialties are typically reserved for in-depth or narrowly focused practices. For example, if you were diagnosed with a rare oral disease, you might be referred to an Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology specialist. This type of dentist would have had to complete specialized training to earn that designation.
On the other hand, designations like cosmetic, holistic, or family dentistry are all descriptive terms that refer to the approach and philosophy of the dentist.
Holistic or biologic dentistry places the primary focus on the health and wellbeing of the patients. There is a variety of conditions such as heart disease, strokes, and diabetes, have all been linked to dental problems. A holistic dentist like Dr. Stewart makes all treatment recommendations based on the entire body. Instead of treating symptoms, Dr. Stewart focuses on the cause of the problem and the least invasive treatment options that are in the patients’ best interests.
Holistic dentists believe in the use of safe materials. Dr. Stewart does not use mercury and he is specially trained in the safe removal of amalgam fillings. We take all necessary precautions to make sure that our patients and staff are not exposed to dangerous toxins.
You deserve a dentist who keeps your health and wellbeing as the number one priority. At South Lakewood Dental, we provide services that will help you achieve a healthy smile for your entire life. We will work with you to educate you on the benefits of holistic dentistry as well as at home care tips to keep your smile vibrant and healthy. To learn more about the benefits of a holistic dentist, call our office today to schedule a consultation.