Tooth loss can be devastating. Patients around the Denver, CO area who are faced with missing teeth may experience a reduced efficiency in speaking and eating. They also feel self-conscious about the way they look, especially when anterior teeth are lost. Tooth replacement is important to maintain function and beauty of the smile. Patients seeking an economical solution to tooth loss may find the best option to be dentures.
Dentures are available in two varieties – partial dentures and full dentures. Partial dentures are designed for replacing one or more teeth within the dental arch. They are fabricated from a metal framework that uses the existing teeth to anchor the restoration in place. False teeth slide into the spaces to restore the smile. Patients with loss of all the teeth in the dental arch require full dentures. Full dentures are made of acrylic and include false teeth and gum tissue. They are fabricated to look completely natural while restoring functionality.
Dr. Scott Stewart of South Lakewood Dental provides quality dentures for patients in and around Denver, CO. He understands the complexities of dental restorations and knows how to ensure they function at their best. Patients often find his quality dentures fit better and feel more comfortable than those available at other facilities. Dr. Scott Stewart utilizes the best denture companies in the area that create restorations with the highest quality materials. The process starts with impressions which are sent to a team of professionals who design the dentures with the patient’s vision in mind. Start to finish, the process can take a week or two.
If you reside in the Denver area and are ready to find out more about restorative dentistry through a holistic dental practice, contact the team at South Lakewood Dental today. Dr. Scott Stewart can be contacted by calling (855) 233-0023 to book a consultation appointment and an initial evaluation to determine if dentures are appropriate for you. We can also discuss alternative solutions including dental bridges or dental implants, all available under one roof!.