Your smile has more power to influence how others perceive you, and how you see yourself when you look in the mirror, than perhaps any other facial feature. Only a small percentage of the population has “Hollywood-perfect” teeth naturally. Fortunately, Dr. Scott Stewart in Lakewood offers an option – restore your smile with custom veneers.
A: Phi, or the number 1.618, is known as the golden ratio. It mathematically defines relationships found throughout nature (and that man replicates in art and architecture), that the human eye finds especially appealing. The golden ratio is very important in the attractiveness of a smile. It determines the visually-ideal width, length, and position of each tooth in relation to its companions. Those proportions have a great deal of influence over the appearance of the mouth, lips, nose, and face overall. When you combine phi-balanced teeth with bright enamel color and a smooth, lustrous surface, the smile is dramatically enhanced.
Dr. Stewart applies that concept to cosmetic dentistry, improving the look of teeth without erasing characteristics that make your smile uniquely your own. Porcelain veneers are one of the techniques he uses to accomplish it.
Veneers are appropriate for healthy teeth, free of decay, and without gum disease present. They provide aesthetic improvement in:
A: A veneer is a thin restoration made of a strong dental ceramic material. As a holistic dentist, Dr. Stewart uses only biocompatible porcelain veneers and cements that do not introduce toxins into the mouth. These bio-friendly materials are readily accepted by oral tissues with minimal risk of reaction.
A: After taking time to understand your smile enhancement goals, oral habits, and lifestyle, together you and Dr. Stewart determine if veneers are the best treatment choice. Then, teeth are prepared by removing a thin layer of enamel. The doctor uses traditional impression techniques, leading-edge imaging technologies, and precise measurements to evaluate existing dentition. Each veneer is meticulously designed to fit over the front surface of a tooth that shows when you smile. If your teeth are sensitive, Dr. Stewart may apply temporary composite veneers. Meanwhile, final veneers are fabricated by a master ceramist at a professional dental laboratory. You return in about two weeks to have interim restorations removed and your new smile cemented in place.
A: Veneers resist stains from foods and beverages, staying bright with regular cleaning appointments at South Lakewood Dental, and good daily oral hygiene. Be sure to use nonabrasive toothpaste, a soft toothbrush, and a gentle hand to avoid scratching the finish. Veneers do not readily discolor, but smoking and dark beverages may stain cement at the edges. To further safeguard your beautiful new smile, please do not chomp ice, chew fingernails, or bite directly into very hard foods. Though it is unusual, if you do damage or dislodge a veneer, contact Dr. Stewart right away – it can probably be re-cemented, repaired, or replaced.
From Denver to Wheat Ridge, Coloradans trust Dr. Stewart and his team at South Lakewood Dental for stunning smiles created with health-conscious techniques. Schedule a visit to learn more about how to restore your smile with custom veneers, Lakewood – (855) 233-0023.